Limits and possibilities of the individual responsibility in international and internal law

Juliana Corbacho Neves dos Santos


The legal discipline of international and domestic responsibility of the individual and, more precisely, of the state agent is quite complete and it is shown to be an instrument able to fully comply with decisions of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. In order to verify the hypothesis of this study we analyzed the rules about individual responsibility in both respects. Internationally, it is possible to determine the criminal individual responsibility in view of its instruments of international law. As for the investigation of conduct in the civil and administrative responsibility, it can only be conducted according to national law, which supports the importance of promoting measures to this end. The procedures related to the public agent who committed illegal acts are related to the international demand, both within the course of the second as the moment after the final international decision on the merits. The reciprocal influences experienced by both bodies can be felt on the reasons for decisions, the evidence collected, in adopting measures to meet international obligations and the performance of public agencies and entities, and to demonstrate this, we analyzed the measures adopted in Case Ximenes Lopes to comply with the decision point that determines the investigation of the facts and accountability of those who have given them cause. The search for paths or instruments to give greater effectiveness to the decisions of international bodies is the result of the Brazilian commitment in its active participation in the Inter- -American System of Human Rights. International law faces new challenges and to this end should be able to influence domestic policy and the role of national institutions in accordance with the international state commitments.


Direito Internacional; Direito brasileiro; Responsabilidade do indivíduo; agente público


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ISSN 2236-997X (impresso) - ISSN 2237-1036 (on-line)

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