Statebuilding: paz ou imperialismo? - 10.5102/uri.v8i2.1307

Fernando José Ludwig


There is a tendency adopted by scholars and international actors today that sovereignty must be put apart in cases of human security, therefore international intervention can be justified as a solution to re-establish domestic order. This paper aims to discuss two dimensions of the United Nations state-building processes in post conflict societies. Firstly, is to explore when international intervention should stop intervening and let the local society(ies) deal with their own problems of representation. Secondly, to verify in which ways this shift should take place in order to provide a peaceful transition from international to local power. Concerning this former point, and aware of the complexity of societal structuration process within each country, the goal here is to understand the variables that can change or influence the process of hegemonic groups to achieve the state’s power (and control) for the next years. The argument here, following some trends of the actual literature, is that the process of state-building should evaluate the internal configuration and strengthen institutions of each countries in order to bring social representants together to dialogue, in which should result in a less turbulent transition from the international to national power-sharing.


paz, imperialismo, statebuilding, Nações Unidas, sociedade civil.



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